Thursday, June 5, 2014

Birthday Blog

I'm posting this story to share a cultural experience that happened today. That's it.

This morning, my drawing class went to Ostia Antica, Italy to visit/sketch some old Roman ruins. To get to Ostia Antica, you have to take this high class bus:

I sat down on this fine bus in the first seat I saw by a regular-looking Italian man.

Lets call this regular-looking Italian man David.

"Where from?" asks David.
"Ah, California?"
*David smiles*

(You see, people think America is composed of three states: New York, Texas, and California.
It's way easier to just answer these Europeans simply.)
(Mississippi is not a simple answer.)

"You with him?" asks David.
*David points to Kevin Jonas's twin across the bus*
*David smiles*

"Basketball?" asks David while pointing to my legs. (????)
"Play basketball?"
"No, I don't."
"Ah, baseball?"
"No, I don't play sports."
"Ah, you play all."
"No, none." I reply.
*David smiles*


*David begins rummaging through his pants pockets and searching up and down, and up and down, and up and down, through his pictures stored on his massive cellphone*

"I paint!" exclaims David.


I repeat.


Everyone, meet David.

I honestly believe that Anna snapped this picture just as David (far right - in case there was a mix-up)
was pretending to be Michelangelo.

Happy Birthday to you, Kaitlyn. Happy Birthday to you.


After sadly leaving David, I had the most incredible birthday!

It began with a large poppy.

And some Roman ruins.

This is Ostia Antica, a city that was just found underground last century.
Ostia Antica was absolutely phenomenal.

Everything was so carefully dug up that it was so easy to see how these Romans lived.
Literally this place was GORGEOUS.

All of the Mississippi girls at the Ostia Antica Stadium.
Can you believe this was once completely buried underground?

(from left to right: Maura, Erin, Jordan, Anna, Sydney, and myself.)

After class let out, Anna, Sydney, and I headed west on the fancy bus to Castel Fusano to spend the afternoon at the beach. It was absolutely perfect.

Today would have only been better if my family and friends back home were here to celebrate.

Lastly, cheers to you, David, for waking me up, since I missed my morning coffee.

Until next week,

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Summer School


Long story short, there's a guy on this trip who is identical to Harry Styles. Therefore, we're taking as many creepy pictures as possible just in case it's really him.

The Jungle Book

Sunday, when we were in the Villa Borghese, this group of teenage Italian boys walked up behind us throwing out super nice compliments.

they looked a lot like this:

mixed with this:

After luring us in with phrases such as “ohmygahhh so beautiful”, “your teeth ohmygahhh so white”, and “ohmygahhh, bella, what's your name?” by seventeen year olds wearing leopard skinny jeans toped off with Italy shaved into their heads, I heard Sydney say BACK OFF very firmly.

I turned to her to see her arms tucked behind her with a strange look on her face. One of the classy men then wrapped his arm around Syd and jokingly apologized while the rest of the hyenas began yelling “beautiful legs” from behind.

One mature child had flipped Sydney's dress up while his impressive friend snapped a picture.

My bestfriend is famous.

Single Men

You know what I'm talking about. When couples travel together, they have two options for saving memories: selfies or single pictures. Obviously, we're in an extremely touristic town, therefore we've seen a lot of these awkward incidents. To keep the memories alive, we've imitated the men and their famous poses.

Reasons Why You Don't Wear A Maxi On Windy Days

One Option

After Sydney's dress incident Sunday, it was time for us to conclude the day and head home. Being almost 4 miles from our apartment, we decided to figure out the public transportation for a free ride home.

Worst idea we've ever had.

Without knowing where it was headed, we hopped on a bus that took us a good extra mile from home. Frantically, we got off, looked around, and headed under the city to ride the subway somewhere. Anywhere. We just had to get out of the jungle park.

The subway took us to a place that looked close on the map, but we when got back above ground, it looked a lot like Mississippi. Again, we hopped on a random form of transportation, this one being a tram. As we passed the Colosseum, looking beautiful lit at night I might add, we knew we were getting close. Wrong. We ended up almost back where we started at the beginning of this adventure.

Unsuccessful, we jumped off that tram in an area that looked a lot like Kansas (7 wrong decisions don't make a right). As soon as our last tram left, it got extremely dark and we only had one light pole to read our one map and figure out what our next decision was. Our best idea was to run to the next thing with wheels that came our way and cross our fingers that it would take us home.

After riding to who knows where for about 20 minutes, we settled to using our well educated brains to ask someone that looked like they knew at least one sentence in English. As soon as we said our neighborhood, the man's eyes got extremely big and he stated very clearly “get off this tram”.
Oh snap. The angel the Lord sent us said move.

At the next stop, our sweet angel said for us to get on the opposite tram 14 and ride it back to the main terminal and then get on the H bus. 14. H. 14. H. 14. H. Got it. Only problem? It was 10:15 and the public transportation stops running at 11pm. Oh.

Why haven't we called a taxi yet? You don't call taxis in Rome, you just find them parked on the streets and slide in. Why haven't we found one yet? WE AREN'T EVEN IN THE CITY. We probably weren't even in Europe.

The driver of tram 14 was the second angel we encountered. He didn't speak a lick of English, but thankfully Anna had a small book with simple Italian words and they figured out what our plan of action was. We had one option: get off tram 14 at Termini and run on foot north to bus stop H.

Bus H brought us straight to our street where all four of us immediately laid on the ground and licked the super clean street.


We've been pumped and planning for Republic Day ever since we found out it existed (last week). We wanted to wear all red, green, and white, paint up, have beads thrown at us, eat good food, and drink fun drinks.

Republic Day means nothing in Italy. Well, it means something but it doesn't mean anything like the Fourth of July does in America. Sydney best described it as Italy's Memorial Day. Thank goodness we didn't paint up because the locals didn't even wear their country's colors to their own parade.


In my Arts and Gardens class, our teacher, Emilio, took us to the Musei In Comune to see the Michelangelo exhibit. It's against the rules to literally breathe there so I decided to go above and beyond and snap a picture for proof. Basically, I almost went to jail.

Tomorrow is my birthday and we're traveling to Ostia Antica, Italy with our drawing class. After class breaks, my roommates and I are staying at the beach for the afternoon then headed back to Rome to celebrate my twenty-first, first anniversary! 

This weekend, the whole group is going to Florence, Italy. Our professors scheduled tons of optional things to do and passed out sign up sheets to see how many are interested. Besides all of the major, must-see things in Florence, several of us signed up to do several studio visits, visit the Uffizi Gallery, and see the Gucci Museum (a museum based on branding - perfect for graphic designers!).  I can't wait to see what this upcoming weekend getaway has to offer.

I'll be twenty two next time I post, so maybe my writing topic will be more mature.

But probably not.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dandy, Different, Dreadful, & Delightful

The Dandy

chocolate and caramel swirl with chocolate chunk gelato


Tomorrow (June 2) is Italy's Republic Day, which is basically equivalent to our Fourth of July. 

There's four of us with one shower and we have yet to run out of hot water.

fresh fruit in the Trastevere Market
(the big yellow things top right are lemons)

Every meal that we have had has been even better than the previous.

the best pizza restaurant (only 20 steps from our front door)


I googled "Are birthdays a big deal in Italy?" and got the answer of my dreams. (My birthday is Thursday).

Our luggage was finally delivered a good 86 hours after we landed in Rome.

Harry Styles, Lorde, and The Artist Formerly Known as Prince are all currently in Rome.

small fountain on our walk to the Trevi Fountain

The free water from the fountains is so cold and so wonderful. 


Monument to Victor Emmanuel II
Tivoli, Italy
inside the Colosseum
The Trevi Fountain
Villa D'Este
(just one of the hundreds of water fountains on the property)
another fountain at Villa D'Este

Roman Forum

I've been here five days and have already seen Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, Villa Borghese, Villa D'Este, the Trevi Fountain, Trajan's Column, the Spanish Steps, the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, the Pantheon, and Piazza Navona. 

Having a kitchen is absolutely fabulous - we cooked dinner for 4 for 10 euros.



The Different

All food is extremely fresh here - locals go to the grocery every morning to get what they need for the day.

Bars here are basically open 24/7 and serve coffee and beer the entire time.

We have maybe ran into 2 people who absolutely cannot understand English.

The airport gave us an "overnight kit" for losing our luggage that contained a small white tee, two q-tips, a one blade razor, and one make up removal wipe.

Netflix and Pandora don't work here. (We wanted to watch When in Rome)

Tax. If something says 2 euros, then it's 2 euros flat. Catch on America.

The McDonald's near the Spanish Steps is several stories high with the second story seating 400 people.

All sodas are served with a slice of lemon.


The Dreadful

The Italian street vendors. Goodbye.

We don't have a dryer, therefore we have to hand our undergarments out the window.

An Italian pulled Sydney's dress up in the Villa Borghese around 6pm while his friend took a picture.

Milk here looks sketchy therefore I'm not drinking it. (Not happy about this)

Everyone makes out here everywhere.


The Most Delightful

facetime - a lifesaver!
roaming the streets of Tivoli Saturday afternoon
one of the staircases at Villa D'Este
this book Anna brought that has become our best friend
my favorite flower, the poppy, is everywhere
celebrating Maroon Friday from our Trestevere Market
Fontana di Trevi

Until next time, ciao!